Invest in global equity markets, allocating capital to the best opportunities rather than a prescribed weighting of countries based on an index.
Identify secular thematic trends, conduct fundamental analysis, identify the companies best placed to benefit/lose out from those headwinds/tailwinds and invest while keeping a close eye on valuation and margin of safety.
Invest with a long-term horizon, which creates opportunities to take a long-term view, instead of focussing on the weekly or monthly performance numbers relative to an index.
Low costs & frugality.
Strategic capital allocation.
Shareholder mindset.
Think differently.
Global focus.
Seek and invest in Change.
We aim to achieve a high real rate of return for our shareholders - comprising both income and capital growth. We are focussed on preserving the company's capital, and delivering shareholders a growing stream of fully franked dividends.
Our Portfolio of investments is managed by Kaizen Capital - an Australian Financial Services Licensee that has been managing funds for Wholesale Investors since 2010. For further information about Kaizen Capital and its historical performance (which is no indicator of future performance), please see our Prospectus and Kaizen's website: