Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance is about having a set of core values and behaviours that underpin the Company's activities and ensure transparency, fair dealing and protection of the interests of stakeholders. The Board is committed to maintaining the highest standards of Corporate Governance. We aim to be a good corporate citizen and so have developed a set of policies based on industry best practice, the nature of our activities and our size. To read each of our policies please click on the links below.
Corporate Directory
Stantons International Audit
and Consulting Pty Ltd
Level 2, 1 Walker Avenue
West Perth WA 6005
T: (08) 9481 3188
F: (08) 9321 1204
Share Registry
Boardroom Pty Ltd
Level 7, 207 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000
T: 1 300 737 760
F: 1 300 653 459
Fund Administrator
T&D Associates
Rosmead Place
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Annual & Half Annual Reports
Authorised Intermediary
Capital and Finance Pty Ltd
29 Australia Street
Camperdown NSW 2050
T: 1 300 990 846